Hire a Professional for Fireplace/Stove Installs
Fireplace and stove installation are extremely difficult tasks to get right, and that’s reason enough to hire a professional. When a modern, efficient solid-fuel heating system is installed incorrectly, the results can be disastrous. Major factors that require the expertise of a professional include ensuring a proper fit between the fireplace and chimney, installing necessary infrastructure, and following the many applicable building codes. The experienced chimney sweeps at top-rated Chimney Saver Solutions in Richmond VA go the extra mile. They have even helped misinformed homeowners determine that insurance covered fireplace venting work that was done.
Ensure Proper Venting
Making the proper connection between a fireplace or stove and a chimney is essential to avoid danger. The size requirements of a chimney or chimney flue are different depending on the type of fuel being used and the size of the heating appliance. Improper drafting and venting create the risk of your home being filled with smoke and carbon monoxide, a “Silent Killer.” Chimney liners need to be the correct size as well as the correct type. When it comes to the installation of a gas fireplace or insert, the importance of having the work done by a professional cannot be overemphasized.
Insulation of the flue is an important part of keeping a home safe. Even the behind-the-scenes elements of a proper installation are essential to avoid potential hazards.
Install any Required Infrastructure
Additional infrastructure is needed for all fireplace installations, except for installations inside an existing open-hearth wood-burning fireplace. A properly run gas line is part of the installation of a gas fireplace, gas insert, and fireplace fittings with gas logs. Added support is often needed for flooring, just as masonry fireplaces have special footing constructed beneath them. This type of prep work is standard procedure for professional chimney sweep technicians handling heating appliance installation.
Comply with Local Building Codes
Certain legal requirements go along with installing a new heating appliance. The government ensures that, for instance, a gas line is not installed incorrectly, potentially exposing your home to life-threatening carbon monoxide. If a fireplace is incorrectly installed and later you attempt to sell your home, you may be required to hire a professional for a re-installation.
There are times when cutting costs with do-it-yourself projects makes good sense, but the installation of a fireplace or stove is not one of those times. There are complex matters involved with the installation, all of which licensed, certified technicians have the know-how and expertise to handle correctly.
Choose the Right Appliance
The matter of selecting the correct size and type of heating appliance for your home requires expertise, and this is another matter that chimney sweep technicians handle best. Pellet stoves, wood-burning fireplace inserts, powered pilot lights for gas appliances, hookups for blowers and augers, and other aspects of installation require the help of a professional. You will be happier with your appliance when it is the right match for you and your home. You will get the most out of your heating appliance when the installation is handled by experts such as those at Chimney Saver Solutions.
For all of your heating appliance installation needs as well as chimney maintenance, chimney inspections, chimney cleaning, and masonry repair and rebuilds, call Chimney Saver Solutions at
(804) 440-5000 today.