Chimney & Fireplace Rebuilds & Restorations
Do you live in an old house and have a chimney or fireplace in need of TLC? Not only can a chimney in disrepair be an eyesore, but it can be a fire hazard to your family. When an appliance is old and weathered, it may very well be unsafe to use. If you’ve recently moved into a home, we advise that you have your chimney professionally inspected to see if it is in need of restoration.
At Chimney Saver Solutions, we specialize in the renovation, enlargement, lining, relining, and restoration of commercial, historic, and residential chimney stacks in the Richmond area. We also offer custom fireplace rebuilding, and are proud to use modern methods as well as old-world techniques to correctly match material and tint to your individual specifications when we repair and restore your chimney. With years of experience and hundreds of chimney repairs under our belt, there is nothing that the chimney professionals at Chimney Saver Solutions haven’t seen and corrected before.
The Chimney Restoration Process
The process of restoring a chimney is a little different for each chimney. However, most every chimney restorations involve the relining of your chimney. Different chimneys and different appliances will require different types of liners. Most chimneys need to have a concrete and/or metal composite deposited around the structure to strengthen it. During restoration, many chimneys will also need to have the flue and other parts replaced. The mortar between the bricks usually cries out for replacement, too.
Complete Chimney Rebuilding
Did Mother Nature topple your chimney during a storm? Or has time and moisture slowly and severely compromised the integrity of your chimney? If your chimney is in need of a complete rebuild, we will apply our 25 years of combined experience to completely rebuild you a safe and attractive chimney according to local code requirements.
Firebox Rebuilding & Restoration
The space above the fireplace is often overlooked by inexperienced technicians. This is a very important component of the fireplace system, and our technicians inspect it with every chimney sweep. When repairs are needed, we can insulate and improve the performance of deteriorated fireplace smoke chambers.
Only a Chimney Expert Will Do
It’s highly recommended that you hire a chimney expert to restore your chimney, as this can mean the difference between a dangerous chimney and one that works safely and efficiently. Minimize the need for chimney restoration by hiring a chimney professional to annually inspect and sweep your chimney. A chimney sweep will be able to detect minor problems in need of repair.
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Installing a new stove or bringing your current chimney system up to code is all part of the service we provide for your chimney, fireplace or furnace systems.