The Best Time to Get Your Chimney Swept
When is the best time to get your chimney swept? There are several best answers to that question. For instance, the Chimney Sweep Institute of America (CSIA) has one answer. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has another. But there are certain events that might signal that “Now is the Time!” Whenever it turns out that you schedule chimney cleaning, be sure you call bona fide chimney sweeps. At Chimney Saver Solutions, all our technicians are CSIA-certified and known for their reliability and expertise. They can help with all things chimney-related, such as your best timing for chimney cleaning.
What Do Fire Safety Experts Say About Chimney Cleaning?
The NFPA has been a respected fire prevention agency for 125 years. They say the best time to get your chimney swept is every 12 months. CSIA’s answer to the same question is different. They say that when creosote buildup in the chimney flue is at least ⅛”, it’s time to schedule a chimney cleaning. It’s the institute best known for its certification program for chimney sweeps.
If you use your fireplace heavily in winter, it is probably more helpful to follow CSIA’s guidelines. As creosote continues to build up in layers, combustion gases could be hindered from exiting efficiently. As a result, toxic gases could enter your home. Potentially deadly carbon monoxide is among those fumes.
6 Common Signs That Your Chimney Needs Cleaning
We don’t recommend that you wait until your chimney gives you a sign that it needs cleaning. But when any of the following happens, all doubt should be removed regarding the need for chimney cleaning. You need to call trusted pros to have your chimney swept if any of the following is evident:
- Smoke fills the room when you start a fire in your fireplace.
- It is difficult to start and maintain fires.
- The top of your chimney is stained with black from excess creosote.
- Black, oily marks become visible on your fireplace walls.
- Your fireplace smells strongly like a campfire.
- Your calendar indicates it has been more than 12 months since the last cleaning.
The Best Time to Get Your Chimney Swept
Springtime is, overall, the best time to get your chimney swept. “Spring cleaning” is a long-established practice. Stress reduction is one of the best of many reasons to clean your chimney and home in spring. Spiffing up your indoor space after being closed for winter has multiple benefits. Just be sure to declutter as well as clean for maximum revitalization.
Three reasons why the chimney should be included in spring cleaning activities:
- Chimney cleaning goes hand-in-hand with the fireplace being vacuumed by a chimney professional.
- Warmer weather can mean your fireplace may begin to emit unpleasant odors.
- The cost of chimney cleaning is often discounted in spring, especially compared to fall and winter prices.
Schedule Chimney Cleaning with the Chimney Pros
Ask any chimney professional and they will likely say spring is the best time to get your chimney swept. In Richmond VA and the surrounding area, call Chimney Saver Solutions for chimney cleaning, chimney inspections, and chimney maintenance such as chimney flue replacement, fireplace installation, a full or partial masonry rebuild, tuckpointing, chimney crown repair, flashing repair, and more.
Contact us today for spring chimney cleaning. It’s the best way to be sure you are fireplace-ready come winter. Call 804-440-5000 or fill out our online form.