What is NFI Certification?
At Chimney Saver Solutions, we take our business and professionalism seriously. We are proud of the fact that our chimney sweeps are certified by national fire safety organizations like the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fireplace Institute (NFI). Our customers often ask us what exactly is involved with these certifications. We would like to focus on the certification process from NFI and tell you more about the professional organization.
What is the National Fireplace Institute?
The National Fire Institute (NFI) was founded in 2002 and is the professional certification division of the Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Education Foundation (HPBEF), which is known in the hearth industry as an educational non-profit organization. As a way of increasing public fire safety, the NFI has developed credentials for professionals who plan and install residential heating appliances and venting systems. Offering three different certifications, you can become a wood-burning, gas, and pellets specialist. The need for these certifications is to ensure public safety due to the involvement of flame, heat and venting of combustion products. NFI certifications also provide the necessary requirement of specific knowledge and skills for planning and installing.
What are the advantages to being certified by the NFI?
Many building officials prefer to work with those who are NFI-certified since certified technicians have proven their dedication to professional excellence. Manufacturers of heating appliances also prefer certified technicians because they are guaranteed that their products will be properly installed. As a customer, you can rest easy when you hire NFI-certified specialists because of their experience and knowledge.
How does the NFI certification process work?
With three different types of certification, a hearth professional can become a Woodburning Specialist, a Gas Specialist, and/or a Pellet Specialist. To receive certification from the NFI, one should study the current NFI Reference Manual for the desired specialist certification and then pass the NFI Exam, which is made up of 100 multiple choice questions.
What are the differences between the specialist certifications?
Each specialist certification has its own focus and is based on fuel type:
- NFI Certified Gas Specialist — proven knowledge of gas fireplaces, log sets, and stoves as well as their venting systems
- NFI Certified Woodburning Specialist — proven knowledge of factory-built fireplaces, fireplace inserts, wood stoves, and chimneys
- NFI Certified Pellet Specialist — proven knowledge of freestanding stoves, fireplace inserts, built-in appliances, and venting systems.
Need a fireplace professional you can trust? Contact Chimney Saver Solutions to schedule an appointment with one of our NFI-certified technicians.